Wednesday, 3 November 2010

A Brief Stint in the Hospital

After receiving several nasty bites on my leg if became very ill and was shipped off to hospital! The bits had become infected and unfortunately for me the infection had begun to spread. I spent three days and two nights in the hospital being stabbed and injected with various needles and drugs. It was not all doom and gloom though, the staff were all really nice (although one of the nurses missed the vein a couple of times when he tried to insert the drip which was kinda painful) and the hospital was more like a hotel. I had my own private en-suite room, flat screen TV (only one watchable channel though!) and my own private chef who would just make me whatever i asked for. Not that I was really in any fit state to enjoy it though.

But all is well, I'm back on my feet and feeling better than ever! Looking forward to getting back out in the forest and community.